Apr 29, 2011

Royal Wedding)

 So we waited for the royal wedding)It was so beautiful Kate in a white lace dress from Sarah berton. I was so pam for this pair)And all women were shlyapah.Poyavilas Victoria Beckham and David, in a beautiful yellow dress was Queen Elizabeth. Harry was driving children koreti.Byla many queens from different stran.Priehalo a lot of tourists) on the face of Huila and Kate was a real smile) And we are glad the whole world for them)

Apr 17, 2011

Second dismissal of galliano

Today I learned that John Galliano was fired from his own brenda.I my opinion itnechestno.Da he said these words with video.no he was pyan.a we know how to act onolkogol cheloveka.I for these words can be as prostit.i He would not have done I am always with him.with him just did dishonestly